Wednesday, April 26, 2017

11 April 2017 – Ho Ho Kus

Substitute class - Kenwyn away and me in his place.

He sent me his class plan and I mostly kept to it, and it was mostly ball prep for the Kilts and Ghillies Tea Dance. (Again). It is a good thing that I like this program. Mostly the dances are still likable even after a lot of repetition.

The dances we did were:-

The Findlays' Jig  –  (32 J 3)  –  Goldring
Chris Ronald's Strathspey  –  (32 S 3)  – Wallace
Lady Susan Stewart's Reel  –  (32 R 3)  –  Bk 5/9

Fountainfall  –  (32 R 3)  – Wheater
Wisp of Thistle  –  (32 S 3)  –  Bk 37/4
General Stuart's Reel  –  (32 R 3)  –  Bk 10/3
Les Remparts de Séville  –  (32 J 3)  –  Bk 50/2
The Compliment  –  (32 S 2)  –  Goldring

*  **  ***   ** * **   ***  ** *

The Findlays' Jig:-  I like. Over time it becomes a wee bit tedious but it is a go to type jig. Nice and Simple. All it needs (if you are not blessed with class musicians) is a good tune.

Chris Ronald's Strathspey:- By Ron Wallace, commissioned by Sue Ronald and music commissioned from James Gray. I really like this one. It makes nice use of Terry Glasspool's Push Me Pull You reels
(a figure eight around a couple dancing Back-toBack Rsh then by Lsh). I also like Ron's figure of Hello-Goodbye with Turns. Bottom line: This one is a keeper - I am getting a goodly amount of positive feedback. So it is not just me.

Lady Susan Stewart's Reel:- Not well received. They did not like the opening 10 bar phrase that need to be danced in 8 bars. A dance for young legs or very canny survivors.

Fountainfall:- A  dance written just a day or so before this class. The devisor's first dance- she started Scottish Country dancing this past September. (My first dance wasn't this good).
Dance Instructions [Here]

Les Remparts de Séville:- I have commented before - The bottom line? A thumbs up.

The Compliment:- Needs good technique to make it look good. A thumbs up.

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