Saturday, July 20, 2019

26 November 2018_Scotia

Coming Real Soon Now _ Drewry Night. And I have had enough. I taught three dances from the program, then onto two dances from the K&G tea dance - one of them a real stinker!

Ranadan-ce  -  (32 R 3)  -  Drewry
Bob Campbell  -  (32 S 3)  -  Drewry
Major Ian Stewart  -  (32 J 3)  - Bk 35 (Drewry)
Miss Janet Laing's Strathspey  -  (32 S 4)  - Bk 22 (Cramb)
Trip to Timber Ridge  -  (32 R 3)  -  Bk 52 (L. Henderson)

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Ramadan-ce:- It is (almost) all about the recorded music. It is so much fun! I like John's solution to the timing on bars 13-16 - there isn't enough time to turn RH twice around and too much time to turn only once. So, essentially, he says "figure it out". Me, I like to birl and go three, or even four, times round. Recommended, but not every week!

Bob Campbell:- It is a Drewry dance. Not one of his best but approachable by most. Faint praise?

Major Ian Stewart:- It has now become a standard. What I like is the rewards that good dancers get. It doable by fair dancers, it shines for good dancers - they get the eye contact and partnership rewards.

Miss Janet Laing's Strathspey:- H#@y Cow! What superb dancers-teachers can come up with boggles the mind! The opening 16 bars are nice - the following circles are nightmares! The standard of dancing required verges on the professional. Sloppy? Forget it! Impeccable? Maybe!

Trip to Timber Ridge:- Glorious!

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