Just so you know, I have a good excuse, no, reason, why I am behind in my posts. I have my computer back, and while the case is the same the insides are brand new.
It started last month when the curser began to wander around the screen without my input and only sort of settled down after multiple reboots. I had also forgotten my original (2012) system password which meant I could not update anything, could not add fonts, could not upgrade a program, or make any other changes to the system. So I had nothing else to do but take it in for a complete hard drive erase and reinstall of the system… they took it in back and the next day I got a phone call with the 'news' that the new trackpad hadn't solved the 'problem'. Apple wanted to send the computer to Texas for more extensive 'repairs'. I agreed - I had no other choice.
When I got the computer back the invoice included a new logic board, a new hard drive, a new battery, and two new memory modules. Mind you the old ones were all working when I handed the machine over to them.
Hmmm… what do you think happened and why was the repair only $130.00 (as originally quoted) and not the $612.00 on the bill the rep presented me?
Anyway, I am back.
The Dances I taught were:
The Pawling Mermaid - (32 J 3) - Price
The Sands of Morar - (32 S 3) - Priddey
The Aviator - (32 J 3) - Bk 52 (Fischer)
Trip to Tobermory - (32 S 3) - Paris Book
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The Pawling Mermaid:- I wrote the dance in honor of a dancer who 'loves' to swim in Sylvan Lake at the NY Pawling Weekend and will do so even though there is no lifeguard present and we are expressly forbidden. This will be formally published Real Soon Now because I now have a commissioned tune by Peter Macfarlane.
Peter send me three MP3 recordings. The first one was a hornpipe for my
Palisades Mermaid, a strathspey for my dance
The Portland Mermaid and this jig. The usual procedure is to check with the person commissioning the tune to see of they like it and solicit feedback in order to tweak it into shape. It wasn't needed. I listened to the hornpipe first and about halfway in I found myself beginning to smile. I listened to the strathspey and found myself 'singing' along. I listened to this jig last and wasn't sure so I put it on repeat. I soon found myself imaging the swing of my kilt. Three for three!
The Sands of Morar:- There are two sets of instructions out there. The dance as published by the RSCDS in Book 45 and the dance as earlier published in Glasgow Diamond Jubilee. The instructions for bars 17 - 20 differ. Oh Joy!
From Glasgow's Diamond Jubilee Book:
1st couple turn with both hands once round and dance down the middle to 3rd place retaining nearer hands; 2nd couple dance up to above top place, join nearer hands and dance down to 2nd place; 3rd couple dance in to touch hands and continue to dance out and up round top place to face down with nearer hands joined.
From Book 45:
1st couple turn with both hands once round, dance down to third place and retain nearer hands. 2nd couple dance out and up to first place and, joining nearer hands, dance down to second place to finish in the middle behind 1st couple. 3rd couple dance in to give nearer hands (3rd man right hand 3rd woman left hand) and dance up and out to first place to finish in the middle behind 2nd couple. All three couples are in the middle of the set facing down.
Small difference in text with big difference in space-time continuum for the dancers.
The Aviator:- Nothing has changed - I still love it! So do many of my dancers.
Trip to Tobermory:- Not the John Drewry dance, (24 S 2). From the Paris Book (32 S 3). This is one temperamental wee beastie and in a very subtle way. I read it over several times before hand but to really know it, I will have to dance it and I didn't get the chance. I had to get all the other people through this dance which I, honestly, didn't know.