Tuesday, April 24, 2018

27 March 2018 - New Haven

Kilts and Ghillies Ball Prep. (mostly).

The dances taught were:

The Findlays' Jig  -  (32 J 3)  -  Goldring
The Clarsach  -  32 S 3)  -  Ryer (Portland)
The Wind Dragon  -  (32 R 3)  - Iain Boyd
Born to Dance  -  (32 J 3)  -  Collin

A Reel for Maria  -  (40 R 3)  -  McRanor (Suncoast)
Topsy Turvy  -  (32 S 3 set)  -  Glasspool
The First Rain of Spring  -  (32 J 3 set)  -  Joubert (49/4)
Fair Donald  -  (32 S 3)  -  29/4

^^**^^  ^^**^^  ***   *   ***  ^^**^^  ^^**^^

The Findlays' Jig:-  Good dance. Simple dance. Friendly dance. Need I say more?

The Clarsach;-  Big oops here. I don't know which gremlin changed the original directions scanned to my computer but one of them did! I know what I read. I can see what it is on the paper now -- and they do not agree. I am not pleased. So the video we made is in error, and I definitely have a mea culpa to make when I reteach the dance tonight (the 24th of April).

The Wind Dragon:- It is growing on me. I originally thought it was an OK throw away that would be good to do once. The response from the dancers has been otherwise. The dancers are liking it. They are liking it enough that I am seriously considering shortlisting it for the 2019 K&G Tea Dance program.

A Reel for Maria:- This one too is growing on me. It isn't in my top 50 but it is certainly going to
go into my card file as one of my "occasionals".

The First Rain of Spring:- A very mixed bag.  The first time I taught it the reaction to the Celtic Reel was pure negative energy. Perhaps due to my teaching, perhaps the unfamiliarity of the figure. So it sat for a couple of years. It appeared on the New York Dance List recently so I pulled it out again and this time the teaching was easy as was the dancing and the RSV (redeeming social value) went up.

But still I am ambivalent toward it. It dances well enough but I am not left satisfied, it doesn't fulfill me. But, it might work for you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mm, yes, *about* that Clarsach error.... :P