Sunday, November 7, 2010

Long Last Update

My apologies for the last couple of months – I had to prioritize and my mother's car accident took the prize. I updated all the “happening soon now” events yesterday. Today I begin my assault on the back- log of classes and other events.

Wilton Class – 12 October 2010

The young girls were present only for the first half. And it is clear that what will keep them coming back is my keeping them moving and not doing any obvious 'drills'. They are a joy to have in the class. The other (and older) beginner, Dante, survived the second half where I taught The Moray Rant by John Drewry. In one swell foop he learned reels of three, mirror reels of three, cross over mirror reels of three, and finally Inveran Reels. Wow!

The nights dances were:
The Forest Prince (32 J 2) I. Boyd
Kendall's Hornpipe (32 J 3) Gr. 22
On the Quarterdeck (32 H 2) Harbour City
Seann Truibhas Willichan (32 S 2) 27/9

The Moray Rant (48 S 3 set) Drewry

Wilton Class – 19 October 2010

The youngsters were missing this week, and several experienced dancers were there in their place, as it were.

The night's dances were:
Saw Ye My Wee Thing (32 J 2)
Albatrosses & Shearwaters (32 S 3 set)
Westminster Reel (32 R 2)
The Burn of Sorrow (32 S 2)

Kendall's Hornpipe (32 J 2)
Seann Truibhas Willichan (32 S 2)

Nutmeg Workshop – 23 October 2010

Wonderful time! I really liked Rebecca Roman's approach to phrasing. She introduced the concept of “Green Light Specials” where, while driving, the idea is to approach a light just as it turns green, and to do this on a road with a series of timed lights. And the idea in dancing is to figure out where you don't have to stop between figures and to get into position at the end of a phrase just in time to start the next one.

The social dance in the evening was also great fun. But the interval, with raffle, was way too long, and we had time for only four dances in the second half, and should have ended with Pinewoods Reel and not with Wind that Shakes the Barley. Wind doesn't compare well when danced back to back with Pinewoods Reel. Live and learn.

Program was:
Berwick Johnny (32 J 3) Gr. 11
Silver Tassie (32 S 3) L30
Royal Deeside Railway (32 S 3) 40/9
The Isle (32 J 3) Gr. 15
Birks of Invermay (32 S 3) 16/2
Lady Susan Stewart's Reel (32 R 3) 5/9

Roaring Jelly (32 J 3) Glendarroch 6
The Gentleman (32 S 3) 35/6
Pinewoods Reel (32 R 3) Yankee Sampler
Jubilee Jig (32 J 3) L19
Miss Milligan's Strathspey (32 S 3) L19
Wind That Shakes the Barley (32 R 3) Duthie

Wilton Class – 26 October 2010

Very short on numbers, and very late getting started. A new dancer, who just started with the Waterbury (ex Woodbridge) class joined us, and I concentrated on her dancing. She handled it with aplomb.

Only did three dances – they were:
The Forest Prince (32 J 2) Boyd
Off to Speyside (32 R 2) Goldring
Cabbages and Kings (32 J 3) Boyd

Wilton Class – 2 November 2010

Another good evening with the girls present. Their parents, however have ruled that they have to leave at halftime. Sigh.

The night's dances were:
The Forest Prince (32 J 2) Katherine's Book
Courtship (32 R 4) C. Sigg
Crockett's Victory Garden (32 R 4) H. Ways
Flo'ers o' Fa'kirk (32 R 3) P. Price
The Chase (32 J 3) Nutmeg Collection
Langholm Fair (32 S 3 set) J. Attwood
The Wandering Drummer (32 R 3 set)


Courtship – Looks easy, it's not. The step up followed immediately by step down and that right into Back-to-back is not easy. It caught me by surprise. But as a challenge to beginners, requiring thinking, it is superb. I am seriously thinking about using this on unsuspecting experienced dancers.

Crockett's Victory Garden – Not worth doing if not for the wonder music from Bill Spence and Phennig's All Star Band. Good dance to teach handing and “weight” and turns 1-1/2 in 4 bars.

Flo'ers o' Fa'kirk – My rewrite of Flowers of Edinburgh so beginners aren't faced with poussette. Instead half R&L, turn RH to own sides. I kinda like it.